Thursday 14 October 2010

McDonald's to make wedding cakes

"Beginning January 1, 2011, McDonald's locations in Hong KongHong Kong are to offer on-site wedding ceremonies with menu option meals complete with your choice of a wedding cake, made of apple pie or even burgers.

Beginning January 1, 2011, McDonald's locations in Hong Kong are to offer on-site wedding ceremonies with menu option meals complete with your choice of a wedding cake, made of apple pie or even burgers.

Hong Kong director of corporate communications and relations Helen Cheung Yuen-ling said, according to the South China Morning Post on October 10, "Over the past two years, we've started receiving calls from people who want to have a wedding party in our restaurants. There are about 10 calls a month.

"People said they'd dated here, or met here, and wanted to get married here ... We see this as a business chance."
Many fast food chains have catered individual weddings in the past including Burger King, Taco Bell plus there is a small following of self-towered wedding cakes made with Krispy Kreme donuts, however McDonald's Hong Kong is the world's first to actively promote wedding services and cakes.
A McWedding would cost about HK$ 2000-3000 (£160-240) and include a set menu or the possibility for guests to order during the event, a cake and gifts. Plus, in keeping with tradition French fries will replace the customary cherries "for the newlyweds to eat together and kiss."
Wedding toasts will have to be alcohol-free and Ronald McDonald may attend as well as a host of other strangers since business will continue as usual."

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