Friday 5 November 2010

It's All Yours! The Giveaway Lottery Winners

"A Canadian couple who won nearly £7m on a lottery have given nearly every penny away.  Allen and Violet Large won their fortune in July and decided to donate 98% of it, saving the rest - around £130,000 - for a rainy day.

"We were quite happy with what we had and the way we were going," said Mr Large, a 75-year-old retired welder.

"We have no plans. We're not travellers. We're not night-prowlers. We're not bar-hoppers."
After taking care of their family, the Larges donated the rest to churches, fire departments, cemeteries and the Red Cross, as well as hospitals where Mrs Large, who has cancer, has undergone treatment.
Mr Large said he and his wife decided a week before they picked up their winnings to give most of it away.
He said they had worked for 30 years in Ontario and put away money every year before retiring and returning home to Nova Scotia.

"We weren't millionaires before but we had enough to keep us going in our retirement years,"
said Mr Large.
Word of the couple's generosity has generated a wealth of attention from the media. "We're not used to all this attention," Mr Large said from the couple's modest home in Lower Truro.

"We're just plain, old country folks.""

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