Saturday 13 November 2010

A lesson of life

Please help me focus. Please allow me to help others see the world differently. I am not right and neither am I wrong.  Just that I look at life from a different lense and very few can understand me.

I am trying not to be judgemental and I am very independant. I know humility is the essence of all but I am not sure how much more can I tolerate. I don’t want to be treated special but just want to be left alone.

Life has no absolutes and we feel to understand that. I want to practice this in life but face challenges as not everyone can think like me.

What can I do:

-         Distance myself for a while from those who are destructive or judgemental
-         Remain calm no matter what happens but never give up on your own principles
-         Help others see through your lenses
-         Don’t be rude but affirmative
-         Don’t be short tempered  but show that you are dissatisfied with the action or statement
-         Don’t ridicule others as we are all the same
-         Forgive but be direct and open about your views

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