Tuesday 9 November 2010

The School Magna Carta

 All people in school shall be treated fairly and equally.
2.       Every child may have a free period when they like.
3.       All preps MUST be the absolute maximum of 10 minutes.
4.       Preps must have been done beforehand by teachers to make sure it complies with the “10 minute preps”.
5.       Bullying and other such forms of nastiness shall be brought to a high court where the accused shall be charged.
6.       Instead of commendations, pupils shall be given two pounds, and upon reaching a Bronze certificate, a tenner, Silver, twenty, and so on.
7.       There shall be no school uniform, only on special occasions.
8.       Teachers must not be nasty to pupils, and vice-versa.
9.       You must be given the option to drop ANY subject from the start of school.
  0    If all these agreements are not met, the guilty party shall be issued with a warning, three such warnings equals a suspension, three more warnings will equal an expulsion.

Signed By

His Highness,

Jai Hooshmand

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